Finally a finish. And just in time. Tomorrow is a "Linus Project Sew In" in Wilkes. I'm so excited. It will be good to see Tonya and her family again.
Tonya gave me the Thomas the Train panel as I walked out the door after our last sew in. I used some Thomas the Train flannel I had in my stash for the backing. The whimsical binding came from my stash also. It's all washed, dried, folded and ready for tomorrow. Yah!
This is so cute - and the flannel back, so snuggly. Cute binding choice! How nice you and Tonya are able to see each other.
What a cool quilt! I'm sure someone is going to be thrilled to receive it...
that looks perfect Sheila......all with one hand too...you're amazing
One handed! And so cute, some little guy is going to love it.
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