We've had company all week. No sewing until yesterday. Mother started a blue Quick Strippie quilt using Mary Johnson's pattern. Because Mother wants her quilt to be a little longer than Mary's pattern, she added a few more strips. Mother is piecing blue Quick Strippie as I quilt her pink strip quilt.
It was a beautiful, sunny, spring day with temps in the mid 70's here in North Carolina. I went for a short ride on my CS motorcycle. Life is pretty good : )
I applaud you on your bravery to ride alone on a motorcycle. Love the blue fabric - my favorite colour. The 'wish upon a star' is sweet, but the floral/paisley really catches the eye.
You are so blessed to share quilting with your mom!
My husband is a new motorcycle rider and loves it! I, on the other hand, have yet to even sit on his bike!
sounds like you are busy quilting away, can't wait to see them
Love the fabrics that your Mom chose. I hope you will show the quilt, too. Nice to hear you are having good weather. It is sunny here, but cold!
Hi Sheila, thanks for stopping by to visit. I used to have a motorcycle but gave it up after scaring myself!! Happy quilting!
you go girl!
What fun you have - quilting and motorcycling!! Thanks for your kind comment on my post on Stash.. so great you are already preparing your batting...
nice bike, and thanks for coming downunder and commenting on mine. does your bike have it's own quilt?
Oh, that bike! I'm SO jealous. Um, jealous of the warm weather too. Hope you had a wonderful ride!
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