FOUR delicious Citron/Gray FQs by Michael Miller arrived in a squishy envelope in the mail! Freda of imperamagna.blogspot.com, a blog that chronicles the adventures of the Impress of the Universe" had a give away in honor of her parents wedding anniversary. I was one of the winners! I plan to make a purse :D
Thank you, Freda. They will make a lovely purse.

I needed 4 more pot holders for gifts. Pictured are the fronts and backs. Two were made from scraps and two were made with some Monet cotton quilting fabric I found at JoAnn's. I have a friend that likes to paint. She chose the Monet :D
Your pot holders are great.
Mini quilts = art pieces! Art for the kitchen. Say, Sheila, do you have any handmade potholders in your kitchen?
Loved the Monet pot-
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