My sewing space is part of a finished room over the garage. I share it with a home office and some storage. It's not bad, but it sure could use more natural light. The room has only one window.
This is where I piece and quilt. My inspiration is a mug rug made by Wanda Hanson. Also a couple post cards with pictures of quilts made by Wanda. The colorwash project was from a class she taught in Charlotte this summer. My friend
Sharon made me a sewing machine cover, pin cushion, thread catcher and scissor holder thingy under the machine. Don't know what it's called, but it's great. I have another thread catcher behind the sewing machine made by my friend
Terri. It's apparently shy. I've found that one can never have too many thread catchers.

This is a picture of my stash. Some delicious Moda jelly rolls and charm packs are on the top shelf .
The Moda Bake Shop asked quilters to show pictures of their stash. The incentive is a package of goodies for some lucky person. Hope it's me! Beside my stash collection is a card table with UFO's guarded by Mr. Green Alien. His head is drooping. Needs air.
And the cutting table. Actually it's where Mother sews, but when she walks out of the room I pretend it's part of my sewing space. hehe
And my "design floor" with my current project, a colorwash in progress. I bought a batik kit from
Wanda a week ago and couldn't wait any longer to play with the lovely little 2 1/2" squares.
Does my sewing area always look like this? I wish!. I picked up a bit for some pictures : )