Nadine and Clarice have been sewing with me all week. These little quilts are their last projects. They were made with 5" charms, free motion quilted and machine bound. Clarice helped her little sister with some of the sewing on her quilt. I sat back and made suggestions. It was a good week.
New quilter in the making, they are cute. Tell them to keep up the work it is family history.
I can't believe how many things they got done this week. Go girls!!
Wow - they are great - love the backs too - and the striped binding - whoot!!
It must be so fun to have granddaughters who love to do things you love to do too! They did really nice jobs...all week!
I am so impressed with these two girls! What marvelous work they have done this week, and what a great teacher you are!
wonderful! I love their quilts!
Up and coming quilters. They look great. Well done
How fun to sew with your granddaughters! Cute little quilts!
Such wonderful little quilts and quilters. They are making memories, too. Way to go Granny!
Hi Sheila, I just read your last month's worth of blog posts.... you have been busy making fabulous stuff! Love that you taught the girls to knit and sew! :)
What a joy that would be to sew with my grandchildren! They all live so far away that I don't have that kind of time with them :( I loved seeing all the fun you have had with your little ones!!!
So pretty! I love the striped borders.
Oh lovely! they are getting to be very craft-y!
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