My motorcycle adventure vacation ride started in North Carolina. It was a cool, wet, overcast ride to Front Royal. Then we rode the entire length of a very wet, very foggy Skyline Drive.

Pictured are Malcolm and Kevin, friends on the trip. After Skyline Drive, we rode the length of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

A visit to Mt Mitchell, he highest peak in the east.

A picture at the highest point on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

We stayed at a motorcycle hotel in Robbinsville, NC. NEAT.

Unfortunately a hundred miles from home, my back tire ran over a walnut, I lost control, went off the road into a bit of a slide and then down. The bike is fine, but my left wrist has a few fractured bones. Urgent Care felt it should heat nicely, but they want me to see an orthopedic surgeon. I go Tuesday.
I'm selling my bikes. Last year I broke my ankle, this year my wrist. A three wheel Can Am is in my future :D
I'll be taking a break from blogging for a month or two, or at least until I learn to sew with one hand.