I fractured my wrist during a motorcycle accident last fall. It was the last day of a week vacation. Went down in a curve after riding over a black walnut in the road. They are about the size of tennis balls. Missed them with my front tire, got one with my back tire. I digress.
The orthopedic surgeon installed a metal plate and 8 screws. The scar is 3 1/2 inches long, about the length of the plate. It looked like an angry scar at first, but it is fading to a line. That's why I didn't post a picture until now. Physical therapy ended a couple weeks ago and the doctor released me last week. Said it looked good but I should give it time to grow strong. Doesn't want me to fall on it again. Me either :D
I think my wrist is doing nicely. I can do most anything with it. I'm sewing and quilting. It's a little weak, but growing stronger every week. I'm happy.
I HAD two older motorcycles and one a couple years old. I've sold two, still have the oldest one, but I plan to sell it soon. Needs a part. It was hard to see them go, but so was the surgery and physical therapy. The broken ankle from 2009 wasn't fun either. Time to let this two wheel hobby go.
Looking at a three wheeled Schwinn bicycle, WalMart sells them. And a CanAm three wheel motorcycle. They are made in Canada and sold locally. This is going to be a good year :D
Lovely scars you have there... but am glad to hear you're doing well! Great idea about the three-wheelers... I think they're cool!
You are so lucky it has been a success and you are able to sew- best wishes fro 2012!
I hope you are right handed... that surgery is serious stuff. I've got some horror stories of friend's kids, but I won't tell that here.
Love the backdrop behind your hand. Amazing that you made that with a booboo hand. Yummy colors!
(You probably should beef up your calcium intake...)
I'm glad to see you are healing well and hope it will be at 100% soon. My brother builds the 3 wheel bicycles into motorized units and right now he is covering one, called a velomobile. I can give you a link to his blog if you want to see them.
yikes! Glad you are recovering so nicely and are able to quilt.
glad to hear it's doing much better.
I'm glad to hear you are healing. I've been seeing 3 wheeled motorcycles a lot lately. They look pretty cool.
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